| Welcome to Spring | Wildflower Seed Mixes | Invasive Species Action Month | Aquatic Invasive Species Updates |  Outreach Updates | Upcoming Events and Meetings |

Welcome to Spring

The days are getting longer, the birds are calling, the sun is out and we are beginning to feel the warmth on our skin again!
The change in season draws many of us out into our gardens. As we begin to curate vibrant yards it is tempting to look at beautiful new plants to introduce. We agree!

Looking for some responsible noninvasive yard inspiration?
Be PlantWise and use our ‘Grow Me Instead’ resources to find safe alternatives for your garden.
To obtain a physical copy:

  • Ask your local garden center
  • Or come see us at one of our upcoming events!
Be Plantwise


Invasive Species Action Month

May is Invasive Species Action Month!
Have you noticed any plants emerging in your backyard?
Be rewarded for being a vigilant garden guru! The Invasive Species Council of BC is running a contest to win a $500 giftcard toward your favourite local outdoors or recreational store! Just by sharing ‘What Is In My (your) Backyard’. It could be school yard, local park, back yard or even in the back country.
Enter the “What’s in my backyard photo contest”


Wildflower Seed Mixes
Are you aware of all the species your beautiful wildflower seed mix contains?
Unfortunately, many ‘Wildflower’ seed mixes are full of invasive plants!  Invasive plants tend to germinate easily, grow quickly and reproduce prolifically, which means you probably don’t want them in your garden! Often the ingredient list can be found online at the company’s website.  Please contact CSISS if you are unsure.
Frequent offenders are:
  • Blueweed/Vipers Bugloss
  • Bachelor’s Buttons/cornflower
  • Morning Glory
  • Baby’s Breath
  • Mountain Bluet

Spread the word, not the seeds 

Aquatic Species News
Have you heard of Whirling Disease before?
Caused by a microscopic parasite called Myxobolus cerebralis ‘whirling disease’ results in young salmonid fishes, including whitefish, trout and salmon species, to die prematurely. The disease causes damage to cartilage in the backbone of infected fish, leading to fish swimming in an abnormal whirling pattern. This makes it difficult for young fish to feed and avoid predators.

Photo: Sascha Hallet, FishPathogens.net.

Click here for more on whirling disease and how it to prevent it


CSISS Digital Presentation

Can you hear me calling?
Are you seeing red (eared sliders)

Following up from Wildsight Revelstoke’s ‘Toads and Turtles Training Day’.
CSISS  is hosting a digital presentation focused on American Bullfrogs and Red Ear Sliders

  • Identification tips
  • Impacts of invasive species
  • How can you help

Available online from 18th May.

 Invasive Species on StokeFM 

Have you heard us on the radio in Revelstoke?

We love connecting with our community!
This year we will feature on a monthly radio segment on Stoke FM. We are looking forward to sharing news, updates, events and promoting ways we can reduce and prevent the spread of invasive species throughout our region.

Check out our most recent interviews here


Upcoming Events and Meetings
May  Invasive Species Action Month
14 May – Salty Dog Enduro Salmon Arm Booth
15 – 22 May – National Invasive Species Week
28 May – CSRD Car Trunk Sale (Salmon Arm Fairgrounds) Booth
7 – 8 June – National Invasive Species and Climate Change Symposium
11 June – Revelstoke Farmers Market Booth
18 June – Salmon Arm Dragon Boat Fest Booth
19 June – Father’s Day at Williamson Lake

Contact CSISS to book an online training presentation for your organization at: info@columbiashuswapinvasives.org

Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society