The BC Weed Control Act

designates a list of invasive plants as ‘noxious weeds’ at the regional and provincial level. Private property owners and government agencies are mandated by law to control these species that occur on their property or jurisdiction.

BC_ARR_H_cmyk_posFor more information on the BC Weed Control Act please visit the Province of B.C.’s website: BC Weed Control Act and associated Regulation.

In addition, The B.C. government is regulating possession of exotic animals that pose the greatest threat to health and safety via the Controlled Alien Species Regulation. There are roughly 1,200 controlled alien species designated in B.C. More information can be found here:

Click on links below for more information about legislation, regulations and bylaws that are relevant to invasive species management in the Columbia Shuswap region.

Government of Canada

What CSISS does:

The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society provides landowner outreach and education about invasive species, including those listed in the BC Weed Control Act.  The Columbia Shuswap Regional District has the regulatory authority to enforce compliance as per the BC Weed Control Act. If you would like to report any noxious weed sighting go to the “Report a Weed” section of our website or send us an e-mail at:

Here is a link to a brochure with information about the noxious weeds found within the CSRD region.

Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society