Detection and Eradication of New Invasives:

CSISS maximizes the probability of detection and eradication of new invasives by raising public awareness and delivering invasive species workshops. Additionally, CSISS staff responds to invasive species reports and conducts terrestrial and aquatic targeted invasive species surveys on behalf of partner agencies.

All invasive plant data is entered into the provincial Invasives BC database. (Previously Invasive Alien Plant Program (IAPP)).  The Invasives BC database contains invasive plant surveys, treatments, and activity plans for the entire province of BC.

Provincial EDRR Alert Species – (Early Detection Rapid Response)

These species are high risk to B.C. and are new to the Province.  The provincial management objective is eradication.

Review the Provincial website for more EDRR Plant Species

Learn more about the provincial EDRR process.

Regional Priority Species

These invasive plant species pose a concern due to their potential to establish and spread in our region. Our goal is to prevent, eradicate, or actively manage their introduction and spread annually.

Visit our Invasive Plant Lists page to see how CSISS prioritizes invasive plant species within each Invasive Plant Management Area.


Other Invasive Plant Species

These are  established Invasive Plants Species or with high potential for spread. The CSISS Management objective is to prevent further expansion into new areas within the region
through establishment of containment lines and identification of
occurrences outside the line to control. Some species are more widespread but may be of concern in specific situations with certain high values – e.g., conservation lands, specific agriculture crops, with a management objective to reduce them.

    Invasive Plant Identification

    The Invasive Species Council of British Columbia has a fantastic database with species information and factsheets on over 200 invasive species of plants, insects and animals. These species profiles can be searched by habitat, flower colour and region.

    CSISS offers a variety of printable invasive species identification guides in PDF format, available for download. These resources can also be found at our in-person outreach events, such as farmers markets, workshops, and education sessions. Follow the link below to access more resources.

    Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society