Another year has passed with no invasive mussels detected in the Columbia Shuswap! 2019 was a successful year for CSISS- Take a look at our newsletter below to see what we accomplished this past year.

Happy New Year!

2019 was a fantastic year for CSISS thanks to our dedicated board of directors, staff and volunteers. We extend out gratitude to our funders and supporters this past year!

Highlights from the past year
Access our full Annual Report here

Great News for Columbia Shuswap Watersheds: No invasive mussels detected in 2019!

Another year with no invasive mussels detected in any of the 12 water bodies tested!
Freshwater lakes and rivers are not only vital for recreation and tourism, but are also an integral part of the economy in our region.  Invasive mussels could cost millions every year in infrastructure maintenance if they were to enter BC waterways.
Protecting infrastructure and native ecosystems from the negative impacts of aquatic invasive species is a priority.  Please ensure that all watercraft entering BC are inspected for invasive species, and that you Clean Drain and Dry your watercraft when moving from one water body to another within BC.
Upcoming Events:

Jan 31st- Shuswap Trails Working Group Meeting
Feb 11th-13th- INVASIVES 2020- Invasive Species Council of BC Annual Forum
Would you like to organize a guest presentation from CSISS? Contact us at to book!

Thanks to our Funders!

Thanks to all of our 2019 funders including: Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, The Shuswap Watershed Council, the Province of BC, the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, and the Columbia Basin Trust for funding our aquatic sampling and outreach programs this year. Thank you to other regional and provincial groups for their in kind support, fee for service projects, and partnerships – in total there were 19 funders in 2019 and over 30 in-kind contributors!

If you are interested in contributing to CSISS for 2020, please contact our Executive Director Robyn Hooper to discuss sponsorships, donations, funding partnerships or other opportunities to collaborate at: or phone toll free 1-855-785-9333

Click here to donate now to CSISS 2020 Programs!

Find Out More About CSISS
Copyright © 2019 Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society, All rights reserved.
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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society
P.O. Box 2853
Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0
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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society