CSISS staff sampled 11 water bodies across the region for invasive mussels in 2019.
Staff sampled for adult mussels by installing substrate samplers, which are collections of different substrates on ropes lowered into the water and checked every 2-4 weeks. No sign of adult mussels were found on any of the 16 samplers deployed.
Staff also took 139 plankton samples from 27 locations on 9 water bodies, searching for the larval stages of the mussels (known as veligers). These samples have been submitted to the laboratory for analysis throughout the year. So far all analysed samples are mussel free!
Thanks are due to the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF), the Ministry of Environement & Climate Change Strategy (MoECCS), Shuswap Watershed Council (SWC), and Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) for funding this project. Also thanks to Dennis Eirarson (MoECCS) and Britt McLeod and Jenna Odynski (BC Parks) for helping with access to some of our sites.