CSISS Autumn Updates

See newsletter view here: https://mailchi.mp/27b483f7f90f/csiss-autumn-updates

Another successful field season for Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species Programs!

Terrestrial and Aquatic field work is wrapped up for 2019
See highlights below:

Terrestrial Program

94 new invasive plant sites
1204 invasive plant surveys
52 mechanical treatment sites, covering 1118 m2
64 chemical treatment sites, 46 monitored sites
3 bioagent monitoring sites for: spotted knapweed, St. John’s wort, yellow toadflax

Aquatic Program

139 plankton samples from 9 water bodies for invasive mussel analysis
16 invasive mussel substrate samplers installed in 11 water bodies
Aquatic plants surveyed at 27 sites on 9 water bodies


Thank you to those of you who attended our AGM in Golden this year! The meeting minutes from the AGM can be found here. Thanks also to the guest speakers from Kootenay Conservation Program, Provincial Mussel Defence Program and Wildsight Golden, as well as the Town of Golden for hosting us.

Aquatic Outreach
Aquatic Outreach
CSISS partnered with ISCBC and other groups to install 32 new Clean Drain Dry signs at boat launches throughout the region!CSISS staff visited 29 Marinas and boat stores, held staff briefings at 9 marinas, visited 29 campgrounds, talked to 222 boaters at boat launches and attended many aquatic focused events over the summer season. 

CSISS has worked with the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) and the Shuswap Watershed Council (SWC) for the past two years to prevent the spread of invasive mussels. HCTF contributes to the lake monitoring program and SWC contributes to both the monitoring and outreach programs.

Huge thanks to both organizations for making this important work possible.

CSISS and the Shuswap Watershed Council head to Montreal!
CSISS Executive Director Robyn Hooper, Chair Hamish Kassa, along with the Shuswap Watershed Council’s Erin Vierra attended the International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS) in Montreal in late October.

CSISS and SWC presented on aquatic invasive species prevention in the Columbia Shuswap Region at the International Conference

The presentation focused on invasive mussel prevention through collaboration, advocacy, education and lake monitoring.

Find Out More about ICAIS conference
Did you know?
It’s free to dispose invasive plants at landfills and transfer stations in the Columbia Shuswap Region.

Leaves are falling and it’s garden clean up time!

Remember that invasive plants don’t go in the yard waste pile at the landfill. Please bag and bring them to the household garbage instead. It’s free!

Forest pests such as gypsy moths, emerald ash borer and Asian long-horned beetle are often moved through firewood and can destroy Canadian Forests and urban trees. 

Avoid transporting forest pests and Buy Local, Burn Local!

Outreach Program Updates
While CSISS is still busy attending events and conferences, here are some updates from the season so far:

CSISS attended 86 events and presentations, directly engaging with 3,456 people and reaching over 38,800 people.
Hosted 6 weed pulls with 70 volunteers
Presented at 20 youth events, engaging with 1,194 youth

Upcoming events:

Nov 13th- Shuswap Water Quality Monitoring Group Meeting
Nov 20th- Annual Shuswap Trails Round-Table Meeting
Nov 20th- Canadian Weed Science Conference
Nov 27th- Revelstoke Secondary School Climate Expo

CSISS is grateful for the support of many contributors and funders
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society