CSISS Updates

| 2022 Annual Reports | Land Manager Meeting | Invasive Mussel Monitoring Results |  CSISS Webinar | Captivating Content |  Staff Updates | Upcoming Events |

Warm winter wishes! 

The CSISS Team would like to wish our friends, colleagues, and connections throughout the Columbia Shuswap, province and beyond a prosperous and healthy year ahead.

Winter is a busy time revising our workplans and planning for  field work, events and collaborations. We are excited to get out and see you all soon. In the meantime, we are always happy to connect and learn more about how we can contribute to our communities.

CSISS 2022 Annual Reports
CSISS had a wonderful team and accomplished a great deal in 2022 with our aquatic, terrestrial and outreach programs throughout the Columbia Shuswap region. 

See our annual report infographic for highlights of each program as well as a financial year review. See our detailed annual report for a more comprehensive look at what the team accomplished.

We would like to extend a BIG thank you to all of our generous funders and supporters!

Save the Date!
CSISS Land Manager Meeting

Tuesday March 14th 2023
10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Virtual)

Join CSISS in completing the annual review of the Columbia Shuswap priority invasive species list and watchlists from the 2020-2025 Columbia Shuswap Operational Plan. This meeting will be hosted online March 14th 10am – 12:00pm. We invite all land managers and partners to provide input on regional invasive plant and animal priority lists.

Invasive Mussel Free in 2022
In 2022, CSISS sampled for invasive zebra and quagga mussels across the Columbia Shuswap Region with support from the Province and funding support from the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and the Shuswap Watershed Council. Survey results:  
  • 12 water-bodies,
  •  20 locations,
  • 116 plankton samples, &
  • 0 Invasive mussels! 

There are no known infestations of invasive mussels in BC. Visit here for BC updates.

CSISS Webinar

Insects and Invasive Species:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 
Our Program Assistant Nolan Novonty created a short webinar on insects and invasive species describing how insects can be both beneficial in the fight against invasive species but also incredibly destructive invasive species themselves. Focused on invasive insects in the Columbia-Shuswap and British Columbia as a whole.

Captivating Content 

We love catching up on invasive species related news, reads, video and podcasts. Here are some that have captured our attention so far this year.
Wild Boars in Canada!

This 8-minute read from the Narwhal explores the wild boar problem being experienced across Canada. How it started, the current  situation, and how wild boars are being managed. 

Waymaking- An anthology of women’s adventure writing, poetry and art 

An insightful and creative take on experiencing the natural world through a variety of forms.  A great gift or book to have on your nightstand!

CSISS Staff enjoying a January ski together at Revelstoke Mountain Resort

Photo: CSISS Staff enjoying a January ski together at Revelstoke Mountain Resort

Staff Updates for the New Year

The new year brings changes to the CSISS team. Our dedicated Executive Director, Robyn Hooper, returned from parental leave in October, we are glad to welcome her back to guide us through 2023.

Also returning from parental leave is Laura Gaster, stepping into her new role as Field Operations Manager – she will continue to oversee our terrestrial field program in addition to the aquatics fieldwork. Laura brings enthusiasm and energy that we are looking forward to sharing.

Education and Outreach Coordinator, Jess Booth, is continuing her work with CSISS, but has added aquatic outreach programming to her workplan.

Our Aquatic Program Coordinator Kelsey Desilets is with us until the end of April to help with the transition. We plan to hire a field technician and program assistants this spring – stay tuned for job postings and announcements.

We are looking forward to the year ahead, working together with our friends and colleagues across the region.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

January 26th            Columbia Mountains Institute CREDtalks 

February 7th-9th     Invasive Species Centre Canada Online Forum

February 15th-17th ISCBC Annual Forum – CSISS staff Jess Booth and Board member Chris Gill will be attending so watch for their faces!

March 14th     CSISS Annual Land Manager Meeting

Contact CSISS to book an online training presentation for your organization at: info@columbiashuswapinvasives.org

Thank you to our Funders!

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CSISS is a registered charity, make a donation HERE or (by cheque or cash) and mail to Box 2853, Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0. Receipts available.

Copyright © 2021 Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society, All rights reserved.
We send this newsletter to all CSISS newsletter contacts, please let us know if you would not like to be on our contact list.

Our mailing address is:
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society
P.O. Box 2853
Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0

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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society