You’re Invited: CSISS Annual Land Manager Meeting March 4, 2020

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday March 4, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Revelstoke Community Centre, MacPherson Room, 600 Campbell Ave. Revelstoke, BC.

Please register for the Annual Land Manager meeting HERE !

Written feedback (e.g. on Priority Invasive Plant Lists) is also welcomed before February 18, 2020 to

Annual Land Manager Meeting: The CSISS is completing its annual review of the priority invasive species list and watchlists from the 2020-2025 Columbia Shuswap Operational Plan for Invasive Species. In particular, the priority invasive plant lists help guide inventory, treatment, monitoring and data management of invasive plants within the Columbia Shuswap Regional District.

The goal of this meeting is to enable land managers to provide guidance and input on the priority invasive plant lists, watchlists and best practices within the region. The meeting objectives are to: 1) Share updates on invasive species management activities of each organization; and 2) Revisit prioritization of invasive plant species and activities for treatments, inventories, monitoring and data management and 3) any other invasive species updates and presence/absence updates to the regional watchlists.

Here is a link to the 2020- 2025 Columbia Shuswap Operational Plan for Invasive Species including the priority plant list and regional watchlist

Your input is critical in ensuring the delivery of an effective, efficient, and coordinated invasive species program in the Columbia Shuswap. We appreciate your feedback as key partners and Board members in helping with this process.
Learn more about other upcoming CSISS events and news in our recent newsletter.  Also check out our recently released 2019 Annual Report and Annual Report Infographic!

Stay connected: to join our newsletter and become a member click here.

CSISS is grateful for the generous contributions of funders and partners, including Columbia Basin Trust, Columbia Shuswap Regional District, and the Province of BC.

Copyright © 2020 Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society, All rights reserved.
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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society

P.O. Box 2853

RevelstokeBC V0E 2S0


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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society