Fall Activities
| Upcoming events + webinars |  Aquatic and terrestrial field program updates |  Invasive freshwater clam in the Shuswap | Eco Action Restoration Project | October is Firewood Month! |

October 21ISCBC webinar with CSISS board member Peter Tarleton: Impacts of Invasives on National Parks
October 22   Volunteers Needed! – Restoration planting day for Blanket Creek Eco Action project
October 27 Grade 6 Eco Stewards invasive plant removal on Revelstoke Greenbelt
January TBA : Aquatic stakeholders meeting regarding invasive freshwater clam in Shuswap


THURSDAY Oct 22nd, 2020  2 PM- 5 PM

*Limited spots!*


Restoration project details: The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society is leading a restoration project at Blanket Creek Provincial Park funded by Eco Action Community Funding Program. The goal of this project is to enhance and restore natural areas by re-seeding and planting indigenous plants. Volunteers are needed to assist with seeding and planting activities. Blanket Creek is an area with important conservation values such as kokanee spawning habitat and ungulate winter range- your efforts will help protect valuable habitat for wildlife!

October is Firewood Month!
Field Program Updates

In 2020, we completed 1109 invasive plant inventories along with 36 mechanical treatments and multiple bioagent monitoring inventories for priority invasive plants across the region. A restoration project funded by the Eco Action Community Funding Program is underway at Blanket Creek Provincial Park this fall. Data management and report-writing season is here!

Aquatic Program Updates
The CSISS invasive mussel monitoring program is wrapping up for the season, to date, we have collected 136 samples from 10 waterbodies at 20 sites.

Extent surveys for invasive freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea) in Shuswap lake were completed. More information can be found on our recent press release and the Provincial Alert Page.

Thanks to Habitat Conservation Trust Fund and Shuswap Watershed Council for their ongoing support.  
Upcoming Aquatic Stakeholder Event

CSISS is planning an aquatic stakeholders meeting in January to provide information and have a discussion about the recently discovered invasive freshwater clams in Shuswap Lake. Stay tuned for more details about this meeting.

Partner Events
The Invasive Species Council of BC is hosting a webinar with CSISS board member Peter Tarleton!
October 21, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

Peter Tarleton, invasive plant program lead for Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, dives into how invasives impact native flora and fauna.
Register here

CSISS is grateful for the support of many partners and funders:
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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society
P.O. Box 2853
Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0

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Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society