Another year has come and gone! Reflecting back on a successful 2016, we would like to thank all of our dedicated volunteers, supportive partners and generous funders helping CSISS complete our important work within the Columbia Shuswap Region.
CSISS continues to educate, engage and inspire action among residents of the Columbia Shuswap. In 2016, CSISS successfully delivered Play Clean Go, Don’t Let it Loose, PlantWise and Clean Drain Dry programs across the region. CSISS attended over 154 community events, distributed 10 press releases, hosted several workshops and training events, supported 10 weed pulls and more!
In 2016, CSISS completed 986 invasive plant surveys at 278 new sites! Across the region, high priority species such as blueweed, rush skeleton weed and himalayan balsam were inventoried and Do Not Mow signage was installed for the high priority species knotweed. Additionally, CSISS responded to 136 invasive species reports delivering helpful management information to landowners.
CSISS continued to expand its aquatics program. In total, CSISS staff and contractor Chris Harkness collected 35 Zebra Quagga Mussel veliger samples at 22 priority water bodies in the Columbia Shuswap. Additionally, detailed aquatic and riparian plant surveys were completed at 9 locations. No Zebra Quagga Mussel veligers or new aquatic invasive plants were found.
Want to learn more? Click here for our Annual Report
Job Posting!
Save the Date!
The Invasive Species Research Conference is being held June 20 – 22, 2017 at TRU and features renowned keynote speakers
Dr. Daniel Simberloff and
Dr. Anthony Ricciardi. Invasive species researchers and practitioners from across the Pacific Northwest are invited to attend and to submit scientific research abstracts for presentations at the Invasive Species Research Conference. For more information, please visit:
Upcoming Events:
Jan 30- Feb 2, 2017: Pesticide Applicators Certificate Training. Chase, BC (Registration closes Jan 23, 2017)
February 8, 7 pm, Lady Grey Library, Golden. Conservation on private land in the Golden area. Juliet Craig, Kootenay Conservation Program
Feb 23, 2017: 12:30-3:30pm Land Manager Meeting. Annual updates to CSISS priority plant list. Revelstoke, BC. All land managers within or adjacent to CSISS region are invited, and written feedback submissions are also welcome. More details to follow.
Feb 28-March 2, 2017: National Invasive Species Forum, Ottawa, ON.
Spring 2017: CSISS Regional Invasive Plant ID and Management Training Workshops to be offered in Revelstoke, Golden, Salmon Arm and Sicamous. Dates TBD.
June 20-22, 2017: Invasive Species Research Conference. Kamloops, BC.Book a spring/summer workshop or presentation by CSISS – contact us at
info@columbiashuswapinvasives.orgBook a teacher professional development day to learn about how to teach about invasives. Lean more
Ordering plants for the spring? Already starting to plan your garden? Make sure it’s invasive free by checking
From all of us at the CSISS Team we wish you a happy, healthy and fun New Year.